Welcome to the Lion's Den.

Leadership & relationship training built specifically for men.
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 I want to... 

Please make a selection.

explore the marriage rebuild group.


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explore private 1:1 relationship coaching.


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explore the leadership network. 


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How it works

Get a system of currated masculine leadership best-practices packed into coaching calls, a video and written curriculum, online challenges, and an online community.

Coaching Calls

Group and private calls facilitated by a coach who specializes in helping men overcome personal and relationship challenges and stay accountable to their transformation.


Join a supportive network of like-minded individuals. Connect with other men, participate in monthly challenges, and get answers 24/7 about marriage, dating, self-development, training, and nutrition.


Get access to our online curriculum and learn at your own pace through videos and homework. Develop your WHIP and create a new operating system for making decisions based on your true self.

Book Discovery Call

 Who is in the Lion's Den?

A welcoming community of business owners, executives, athletes, entertainers, investors, and men from all walks. Watch real estate investor and Lion's Den member Rod Khleif interview founder Bart Morse.

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 Become a whole man

 Too many men have lost site of key domains outside of career and marriage. The Lion's Den runs a series of monthly challenges across all eight domains to keep men accountable to becoming a whole man.


Know your purpose, principals and have a plan for the future. Identify what's working and what isn't.

 Marriage & LTR's

Become a more loving, proactive, husband and man in long-term relationship.

 Fitness & Nutrition

Drop the body fat, build muscle and develop a life-long routine for staying jacked and feeling good.

Business & Career

Get the resources you need to take your business or career to the next level.


Get a new understanding of how to be there for your children and parent with your wife peacefully.


Deepen your community and friendships via the calls, private chat, and events.

Hobbies & Adventure

Be kept accountable to self-care habits and pursuing your passions beyond work & family.

Faith & Spirituality

Go deeper in your faith or spiritual practices, draw from ancient wisdom, and ask big questions.


Men's Morning Mindset Journal now available

This is a daily guided journal for men who want to be better leaders at home and beyond. The journal challenges men to let out their worries, express gratitude, take action, and answer tough questions.

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Do I need to be local?

You can join the Lion's Den from anywhere in the world and have access to our meetings and community through a private, secure app.

Get Started

 I want to... 

Please make a selection.

explore the marriage rebuild group.


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explore private 1:1 relationship coaching.


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explore the leadership network. 


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