Men's Group Membership

Get the weapons and tribal support you need to face your toughest challenges. 
Stop scrolling social media and take science-backed action.



 Masculine Leadership Made Simple

The Lion's Den teaches relationship best-practices and principle-driven habits that transform men.
Transformed, these men lead with both security and power in marriage, dating, business, and parenting.

Go From Reacting to Responding

We teach men how to recognize and address their own fear-based responses, helping them shift from reacting emotionally to responding with calm, principle-driven action. This is critical for establishing or repairing trust in relationships.

Go From Apathy to Action

A lot of men have stopped being proactive in key areas, from planning their week to working out. In the Lion's Den, men get the accountability they need to form new habits. We regularly see men lose 15 - 35 lbs after entering the community. 

Go From Isolation to Interdependence

Maybe you've come to believe the lie that you're supposed to have it all figured out. To keep your problems to yourself. Sure, men are capable of surviving on their own, but we thrive when we're in tribes. The Lion's Den gives men a forum or foxhole with other men going through similar challenges. 

The Lion's Den for Married Men 

Maybe you've been a great financial provider to her, but... 

...upon coming home from a long day at work...

You go to greet your wife, but instead of warmth and connection, there’s tension. There's a wall.

You know things aren’t right, but you’re not sure how to fix it.

You've done so much, but she doesn't seem to appreciate it anymore after years of marriage.

You’re tired of the same arguments, the same misunderstandings, the same feeling of being stuck. 

  • Maybe you've tried counseling.
  • Maybe you've apologized for the past a thousand times.
  • Maybe you can't control your anger.
  • Maybe you're scrolling social media for another tip or trick.
  • Maybe you suspect she's having an affair.

Bottom line, you've tried everything.

Well, not everything. It's time to enter the Lion's Den.

What About Single or Dating Men? 

You didn’t build your life and career just to fail in relationships. ⁣

The problem is you’ve been sold an outdated strategy for today’s relationship marketplace.⁣

Women today want a man who’s done the work too.⁣

You might have thought attention and love were enough, but clearly, that strategy hasn’t worked. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this right now. ⁣

Beautiful, smart women still crave a man who leads, takes charge, and knows when to say no. ⁣

Despite what social media portrays, she does want a relationship—but with a confident, secure man she can follow anywhere. ⁣

There’s a huge difference between Mr. Nice Guy and a man who’s nice. She doesn’t want the former. ⁣

She’s tired of the guy who loves her but can’t lead her. ⁣

Those guys get the girl, but they can’t keep her. ⁣

That’s where the Lion's Den comes in.

Members go from confused to confident with women.⁣

How it works

A simple formula: learn the material through a coach and curriculum, then apply it to your life alongside other men.

Coaching Calls

Group and private calls facilitated by a coach who specializes in helping men overcome personal and relationship challenges and stay accountable to their transformation.


Join a supportive network of like-minded individuals. Connect with other men, participate in monthly challenges, get answers 24/7 about marriage, dating, self-development, training & nutrition.


Listen to or watch the Lion's Den online curriculum through your phone and learn at your own pace. Create a new operating system for making decisions based on your internal code.

"The Lion's Den Program has taught me to face my fears head on. The community of guys is amazing."

Carson Klein | Professional Soccer Player

The Lion's Den vs. Standard Counseling

Different than counseling, the Lion's Den Program is coaching. It's the fundamentals, habits, and best-practices that men can apply now to get results and form a new identity. And by taking aligned action, you'll feel more confident.

Meet your coach

Bart Morse is the founder of the Lion's Den Program and men's relationship and performance coach to business owners, CEO's, investors, and entertainers. Prior to coaching, Bart's background was in business & tech consulting with clients including Microsoft, The Academy of Motion Pictures, The Irvine Company, Melinda Gates, and the Federal Reserve Bank. He was married for 15 years to a marriage and family therapist and is a father to three children. He started the Lion's Den Program after going on a journey to master his emotions and lead more effectively at home and at work. Bart attended the University of Colorado at Boulder and is an avid outdoorsman having completed multiple ultramarathons, including a 66K in the jungle of northern Thailand where he worked for three years.

Take a Look Under the Hood 

Master Your Emotions

What you will learn
Self-awareness (e.g. love vs. fear-driven behaviors)
How to handle criticism
How to handle rejection
How to handle bad news
The alternative to complaining
Healing old wounds

How to reconcile past hurt

Learn How to Lead

What you will learn
How to actually listen
How to plan like a man
How to share, not bitch/whine
How to find your purpose
How to be in your masculine
How to stop being a pleaser
How to ask for what you want
Better than boundaries

Love & Discipline

What you will learn
Why discipline matters
How to get disciplined
The real definition of love
How to be above the line
The Love Campaign

Knowing your identity
How to lose weight
Goals vs systems

Growing Your Tribe

What you will learn
Why other men matter
How to encourage others
How to ask for help
The power of accountability
The 8 mountains
Strength in vulnerability



Membership Options 

If you're ready to jump in choose from the following options.
Interested in private coaching or want to speak to a team member? Click here.

Online Course Only


One-Time Payment

  • 12 weeks of lessons
  • Videos & written
  • Online assessments
  • Call recordings
  • Repair roadmap
  • Listening framework
  • Recommended resources

Men's Monthly Membership


Limited Time Only

  • 12 weeks of lessons
  • Videos & written
  • Online assessments
  • Call recordings
  • Repair roadmap
  • Listening framework
  • Recommended resources
  • 2x Weekly Group Coaching Calls
  • Secure Online Community

Men's Executive Membership



  • 12 weeks of lessons
  • Videos & written
  • Online assessments
  • Call recordings
  • Repair roadmap
  • Listening framework
  • Recommended resources
  • 2x Weekly Group Coaching Calls
  • Secure Online Community
  • Monthly Executive Meetings
  • On-Demand Access to Coach
  • Exclusive Events
  • Added Accountability