Need to Rebuild?

Start the journey to becoming a better husband, father, and leader.

Are you here because... 

You got blindsided by her wanting a separation or divorce?
Her walls are up and no longer wants to talk?
Therapy or couples counseling didn't work?

You've tried everything and feel totally lost?

You may feel lost, but you're not alone.  

Have you tried "everything"?

✅  Doubling down on the romance, gifts, or being nice...

✅  Using logic and reason to shift her perspective...

✅  Making demands or giving ultimatums...

✅  Pleading, begging, or breaking down in front of her...

✅  Promising to change or showing her evidence...

✅  Talking to her friends...

✅  Praying for a miracle...

✅  Blaming or shaming her for being selfish or dividing the family...

Only to find yourself being pushed further away by her?

The good news is there's a silver lining to all of this...

"I was sleeping in a hotel room when I found the Lion's Den nearly two years ago. I felt lost, hopeless and full of uncertainty. I learned more about my why my marriage was failing after one coaching meeting than I had in four months of seeing a therapist. My life and marriage has dramatically improved since."

Randy | Pharmacist

It's time to go to war.  

Is it possible to get her back, even if she...

❌ claims to be done or "moving on"?
❌ has an affair partner?
❌ files for divorce?
❌ has you sleeping in a hotel room?

Yes, it's absolutely possible.

BUT, the common theme among men who got back in the bedroom?

They were willing to do the work. To go to war on an unseen enemy.

Yes, the clock is ticking, but the battle is NOT what you think.

The challenge.  

If your wife wants a separation or divorce, she's likely been contemplating it for years. That's right, years.

You're not going to change her mind next week.

In fact, you trying to change her mind at all is a guaranteed defeat.

You trying to "fix the problems in the relationship" will only fall on deaf ears because in her eyes, at this point... YOU are the problem.

Your real challenge? Stop trying to control her or the outcome and make a fundamental shift by focusing on the only thing you can control...

Forging a new man.

"I joined the Lion's Den to get my wife back, but instead I go my life back. I've lost 35 lbs., got my confidence back, and am redating my wife without fear of her leaving."

Jeff | Former Pro Soccer Player

Nearly 70% of all separations & divorces are initiated by women. Why?

You were sold a lie.

You thought that by providing more than enough, she'd be happy.

But she isn't and now you're angry, confused, or bitter.

It feels like the same behaviors that work for you at work, work against you at home.

It doesn't matter if you're a CEO or work in a call center, one thing is clear...

Men often feel so much pressure to provide financially it drives unhealthy behaviors that erode the trust over time...

It's time to lead in a way that makes her feel heard, seen, accepted, and loved.

Introducing the Lion's Den Program 

The ultimate system to rebuilding yourself and your marriage, even if you're separated. The Lion's Den gives you a no-BS plan of attack on changing unhealthy communication patterns and behaviors, complacency, and repairing long-standing issues.

Make her feel heard

Learn and master the PAID TO method and make the shift from reacting to responding. Fundamental to establishing or repairing trust in relationships.

Become a proactive leader

Leadership means knowing who you are, where you're going, and what you stand for. If you've failed to lead, the Lion's Den will help you to become a proactive, thoughtful husband.  

Go From Isolation to Interdependence

Maybe you feel alone in your problems. The Lion's Den virtual community ensures you're not alone in your struggles. From online chat to group calls, there's no substitution for learning from the mistakes and successes of other men.

Built for Men

When men take the right actions they build their confidence and feel better.

12 Week Course & Challenges

Listen to or watch the Lion's Den online curriculum through your phone and learn at your own pace. Create a new operating system for making decisions based on your internal code.

Weekly Coaching Calls (optional)

Group and private calls facilitated by a coach who specializes in helping men overcome personal and relationship challenges and stay accountable to their transformation.

Open & Supportive Community

Join a supportive network of like-minded individuals. Connect with other men, participate in monthly challenges, get answers 24/7 about marriage, dating, self-development, training & nutrition.

A 12 Week Course
Life Long Community 

Below are just a few of the topics inside the Lion's Den Program.

Master Your Emotions

What you will learn
Self-awareness (e.g. love vs. fear-driven behaviors)
How to handle criticism
How to handle rejection
How to handle bad news
The alternative to complaining
Healing old wounds

How to reconcile past hurt

Learn How to Lead

What you will learn
How to actually listen
How to plan like a man
How to share, not bitch/whine
How to find your purpose
How to be in your masculine
How to stop being a pleaser
How to ask for what you want
Better than boundaries

Love & Discipline

What you will learn
Why discipline matters
How to get disciplined
The real definition of love
How to be above the line
The Love Campaign

Knowing your identity
How to lose weight
Goals vs systems

Growing Your Tribe

What you will learn
Why other men matter
How to encourage others
How to ask for help
The power of accountability
The 8 mountains
Strength in vulnerability

"Working with Bart and the Lion’s Den community has had a profound impact on my journey to becoming a more loving, intentional husband and leader. I wish I had discovered it sooner."

Chris Noth | Hollywood Actor

Meet your coach

Bart Morse is the founder of the Lion's Den Program. He is a long-time consultant to Fortune 500 companies. Bart was married for 15 years and is a father to three incredible children. He started the Lion's Den Program after rebuilding himself emotionally, physically, and financially in the wake of divorce. Since then he has gone on to help CEO's, business owners, investors, and entertainers rebuild themselves and their marriages. Bart attended the University of Colorado at Boulder, is an avid outdoorsman, and has completed multiple ultramarathons including a 66K in the jungles of Thailand where he lived for three years as a missionary with his family.


The Lion's Den Program

Weekly Group Coaching Calls $2,750

12 weeks of video & written lessons $2,200

24 self & relationship challenges $950

Online assessments $300

Call recordings $275

Repair roadmap $350

Recommended resources $250

Secure online community $425

BONUS date night database $250

BONUS nutrition plan database $250

BONUS workout plans $250

Your Total Value $8,250

Membership Options 

Choose from the following options.
We always recommend live coaching, but understand if budget or schedules don't allow.




  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls (Tues & Friday 9 am PST)
  • 12 weeks of video lessons detailing a proven strategy for rebuilding yourself and her trust
  • Online assessments
  • Call recordings
  • Repair roadmap
  • Recommended resources
  • Secure online community
  • Cancel anytime




  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls (Tues & Friday 9 am PST)
  • 12 weeks of video lessons detailing a proven strategy for rebuilding yourself and her trust
  • Online assessments
  • Call recordings
  • Repair roadmap
  • Recommended resources
  • Secure online community
  • Cancel anytime


Apply Now


  • Private coaching sessions
  • On-demand access to coach
  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls (Tues & Friday 9 am PST)
  • 12 weeks of video lessons detailing a proven strategy for rebuilding yourself and her trust
  • Online assessments
  • Call recordings
  • Repair roadmap
  • Recommended resources
  • Secure online community
  • Monthly Executive Meetings
Apply Now

Interested in Private Coaching?

Click here to set up a call with a team member.